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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Our contents are shown to you in English. Product data is displayed for a technical region using 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz.

ERCO Lighting UK - CPD Courses

We are delighted to announce we are accredited by CPD UK. CPD UK have over 25 years’ experience providing Continuing Professional Development training certification, they are the world's leading organisation for those looking to get CPD certified for training courses and events.

Below are our currenty CPD's which can be conducted in-person or online.

- Vertical Illuminance - The Vertical Illuminance CPD; covers the perception-orientated lighting philosophy of American architect and lighting designer Richard Kelly (1910-1977); its implications on the design process and a demonstration of its use as a simple communication tool. It further demonstrates how these principles are used to produce vertical illuminance; how vertical illumination impacts a space and the advantages: Perception; Architecture; Efficiency.

- Workspace Lighting Trends: Responsive Design - The Workspace Lighting Trends: Responsive Design CPD, covers the role of lighting in new workspace trends, how lighting can help save energy and qualitative lighting solutions.

-Human Centric Lighting - The Human Centric Lighting CPD covers; the basics of the science behind human centric lighting and circadian rhythm. The CPD will educate on the benefits; best practice; approach and the impact of HCL Lighting in the built environment.

To Register for a CPD please email or click here >> ERCO Lighting - Providers | The CPD Certification Service (

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