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Education Lighting
Illuminating Education: How ERCO Transforms Learning Spaces, from Millfield School to the University of Bath.

Photography Credits: University of Bath. Martina Ferrera. ERCO GmbH.

In the realm of education, the significance of lighting extends far beyond mere illumination. Proper lighting fosters a conducive learning environment, enhances visual comfort, and boosts academic performance. In the UK, educational institutions adhere to stringent government and education standards to ensure optimal lighting conditions.

ERCO, a pioneer in architectural lighting, exemplifies these standards through its innovative solutions that emphasise visual comfort and efficiency. ERCO’s transformative lighting projects at Millfield School and the University of Bath, showcase how their approach aligns with UK standards and elevates educational spaces.

Setting the Standard: UK Lighting Guidelines

The UK government mandates specific lighting standards to ensure safety, efficiency, and an optimal learning environment.

Key guidelines include:

Building Bulletin 90 (BB 90): Advocates for the integration of natural and artificial lighting to enhance learning environments.

The Education (School Premises) Regulations 1999: Requires adequate lighting throughout school premises for health and safety.

BS EN 12464-1:2011: Specifies indoor lighting requirements, ensuring proper luminance, uniformity, and glare control.

CIBSE Lighting Guide 5 (LG5): Provides recommendations for lighting educational spaces, emphasizing quality and quantity of light.

Photography Credits: Millfield School. Martina Ferrera. ERCO GmbH.

Case Study: Millfield School

Millfield School, renowned for its commitment to excellence, partnered with ERCO to revolutionise its lighting system. The goal was to create a visually comfortable and stimulating environment that meets UK lighting standards.

1. Classroom Transformation

ERCO implemented human-centric lighting designs in Millfield's classrooms, enhancing visual comfort and reducing eye strain. The use of ERCO’s LED luminaires ensured uniform lighting and minimised glare, crucial for maintaining student focus and engagement.

2. Energy Efficiency

With a shift to LED technology, Millfield School significantly reduced its energy consumption. ERCO’s sustainable lighting solutions not only cut down on energy costs but also aligned with the school’s commitment to environmental responsibility.

3. Dynamic Learning Spaces

ERCO’s adaptable lighting systems allowed Millfield to customise lighting settings for different teaching methods and activities. This flexibility is pivotal in creating dynamic learning environments that cater to various educational needs.

Read the full project case study.

Photography Credits: The Unversity of Bath. Martina Ferrera. ERCO GmbH.

Case Study: The University of Bath

The University of Bath, a beacon of research and learning, sought ERCO’s expertise for their School of Management Building. The collaboration focused on integrating cutting-edge lighting solutions that promote visual comfort and academic excellence. The education sector is fast evolving and adapting. For ERCO, illuminating the education sector aligns with the vision to create inspirational, flexible and future-proof spaces for learning.

ERCO were specified to supply a range of solutions across the School of Management Building, to deliver luminaires which not only enhance the architecture to ensure adaptable design and layout but, improve operating costs and environmental credentials.

1. Innovative Library Lighting

Within the School of Management building, ERCO installed the surface mounted Quitessence and Atrium downlights and along with Skim, providing focused, task-oriented lighting. This setup ensured that students had adequate illumination for reading and research, reducing eye fatigue and enhancing productivity.

2. Blending Natural and Artificial Light

ERCO’s design seamlessly integrated natural light with artificial lighting, using sensors and control systems to adjust illumination based on natural light availability. This dynamic approach not only maintained consistent lighting levels but also optimised energy use, aligning with sustainability goals.

3. Enhanced Campus Safety and Ambiance

Beyond academic spaces, ERCO’s lighting solutions improved outdoor areas and common spaces, enhancing safety and creating a welcoming ambience. The well-lit campus fostered a sense of security and comfort for students and staff alike.

Read the full project case study.

Photography Credits: The University of Bath. Martina Ferrera. ERCO GmbH.

ERCO’s Vision for Educational Lighting

ERCO’s approach to lighting in educational institutions is rooted in creating environments that enhance human experience. Their solutions are characterised by:

Visual Comfort: Prioritising glare control, uniformity, and adequate illumination to support prolonged periods of study and concentration.

Sustainability: Employing energy-efficient LED technology to reduce environmental impact and operational costs.

Customisation: Offering flexible lighting systems that can be tailored to various educational activities and teaching methods.

Integration: Blending natural and artificial light to create dynamic, energy-efficient lighting environments.

Lighting is a critical component of the educational experience, influencing everything from visual comfort to academic performance. The UK’s stringent lighting standards ensure that educational spaces are well-lit, safe, and conducive to learning. ERCO’s transformative projects at Millfield School and the University of Bath exemplify how innovative lighting solutions can elevate educational environments. ERCO exceeds these standards, creating spaces where students and educators can thrive.

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