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Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
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Florentinum office building, Prague

Florentinum Business Centre in Prague

The Florentinum qualifies as the largest office building in Prague. Its design quality together with the elegance of its interior put it in the top tier among high-end buildings of its kind in the Czech capital. Located within walking distance to the central station and the historic city centre, it offers an attractive location and great accessibility. The differentiated outdoor lighting using ERCO luminaires guides through the complex and adds significantly to its high amenity value.

The building complex, developed by investment group Penta and designed by the prestigious architectural firm of Cigler Marani Architects in Prague, is housed largely inside an extended block of buildings. Parts of the complex rise nine storeys above ground, looking out over an inner courtyard. Together with the adjacent building, it forms a further yard arranged as a garden. The design of these semi-public open areas was a particular priority for the investors and architects. Whereas the piazza, which in the first instance adds to the prestige and integration of the complex into its urban surrounds, engages in a distinct formal dialogue with the straight-lined architecture of the building, the garden courtyard projects a more contemplative character.

Florentinum office building, Prague
Florentinum office building, Prague

Certified sustainable
Both public spaces, including their walkways, are illuminated using ERCO lighting tools – a decision which reflects the quality awareness of the developers. A further criterion in the selection process was the excellent energy efficiency of the LED luminaires used here. Earning the American LEED Platinum certification for resource-efficient and sustainable building, the Florentinum also sets new standards in ecological aspects.

Florentinum office building, Prague
Florentinum office building, Prague
Florentinum office building, Prague
Florentinum office building, Prague

Impressively featured architectural setting
ERCO outdoor luminaires perform different functions in the courtyards of the Florentinum. Parscoop floodlights mounted on masts along the main paths of the piazza provide ambient lighting of remarkable uniformity thanks to the use of LED light. Grasshopper projectors positioned in various locations at ground floor level in front of the steel-clad façade columns accentuate the architectonic structure of the building without causing glare for anyone enjoying a walk. Projectors in the Beamer range with narrow spot characteristic meanwhile direct attention to the trees planted in the piazza. Mounted to the façade between storeys four and five, their beam is directed precisely to illuminate the crown section of the trees. This lends emphasis to the carefully composed vegetation while producing an attractive play of shadows on the ground. Once more, the Beamer luminaires make a convincing argument here with their light intensity, precision and high energy efficiency.

Florentinum office building, Prague
Florentinum office building, Prague
Florentinum office building, Prague

Directed light for perfect orientation
In the garden courtyard, finally, which stands in contrast to the piazza with distinctly reduced lighting levels, the pathways meandering in-between green areas are illuminated discreetly yet effectively by Kubus bollard luminaires. At night, the light of these bollard luminaires does not detract from the view of the well-choreographed area when taking a leisurely stroll through the garden, as ERCO’s Dark Sky technology ensures that no spill light is emitted above the horizontal plane. In the building’s walkways, which open up the complex, Compact surface-mounted luminaires with oval flood characteristic create slim illuminated surfaces. As a result, the complex yet unobtrusive lighting concept achieves a high level of visual comfort while engendering a sense of security.




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