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Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Erwin Wurm, Fat Car (2006)

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Toby Ziegler, Your Shadow Rising (2018)

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Artist in Residence MONA, Chris Downes (2023)

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Julius Popp, bit.code (2009) / Thomas Huber, Abyss (2015)

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Lighting designer Adam Meredith

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Tom Otterness, Girls Rule (2016-2018)

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

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