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Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Levy Gallery, Hamburg

Founded in 1970, the Levy Gallery has since been synonymous with Pop Art and Surrealism. The loft-like ambience on the outskirts of Eppendorf appeals to visitors with its open architecture as much as the enchanted sculpture garden with its fascinating interplay of art and nature. As a first rate gallery, the Levy Gallery exclusively represents such artists as Allen Jones, C.O. Paeffgen, Mel Ramos and Daniel Spoerri. The new lighting concept underlines the high standards set by Thomas Levy and his team.

Levy Gallery, Hamburg
Levy Gallery, Hamburg
Levy Gallery, Hamburg
Levy Gallery, Hamburg
Levy Gallery, Hamburg
Levy Gallery, Hamburg
Levy Gallery, Hamburg
Levy Gallery, Hamburg
Levy Gallery, Hamburg
Levy Gallery, Hamburg
Levy Gallery, Hamburg




Planning light

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