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Tokyo International Forum

Tokyo International Forum

With this exhibition and conference centre, Rafael Vinoly has created a new architectonic landmark for Tokyo in 1997. Like the bow of a great airship, the hall's roof carves through the Tokyo skyline. The various levels and conference halls are accessed via escalators, galleries and bridges.

Tokyo International Forum
Tokyo International Forum

In addition to the gigantic glass hall, the Tokyo International Forum also consists of four different arenas, of which the largest has seating for over 5,000 people.

Tokyo International Forum

At night, the impressive girder construction is dramatically illuminated with directed light from Gimbal spotlights mounted all the way round. This makes the steel structure appear to be floating, even though it weighs many tons.

Tokyo International Forum
Tokyo International Forum

In addition to the illuminated roof construction, the wall lighting using lens wallwashers characterises the atmosphere of the foyer. The rows of light sources emphasise the sweeping lines of the architecture.

Narrow-beam downlights illuminate the exhibition hall in the basement level. Finger-like struts carry the ceiling.




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