Very high visual comfort
ERCO has developed luminaires with special housing designs and highquality optical components specifically for demanding visual tasks to provide enhanced visual comfort.

Outstanding uniformity
To meet the stringent standards of vertical illuminance, ERCO has developed luminaires specifically to produce exceptionally uniform levels of illuminance.

Wallwashing for high rooms
Multi-storey spaces pose specific lighting challenges. Previously, wallwashers had to be mounted in very high-ceilinged rooms at a disproportionately great distance from the wall; however, the ideal position for the recently developed Atrium double-focus wallwashers is now at a distance of only one fifth of the height of the room.

Also suitable for sloping ceilings
As variants with a pivot angle of up to 30°, double focus downlights can also be mounted in sloping ceilings.

Covered or flush mounting detail
As standard, all recessed luminaires have overlapping installation details. Flush mounting rings are available as accessories.