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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Lighting at office workplaces

The transition of visual tasks

The 1970's

Technology and society determine how we work – and therefore the further development of the office. Today's work places different demands on lighting than the paper dominated work of 50 years ago. Lighting design at that time also focused on people, their perception and visual needs. In offices of the 1970's these consisted mainly of horizontal visual tasks. Traditional lighting methods at that time such as planar lighting for both the desk and surroundings that was typical of fluorescent lamps now only seldom meet the needs of today's visual tasks at desks.

The 1970's

Technology and society determine how we work – and therefore the further development of the office. Today's work places different demands on lighting than the paper dominated work of 50 years ago. Lighting design at that time also focused on people, their perception and visual needs. In offices of the 1970's these consisted mainly of horizontal visual tasks. Traditional lighting methods at that time such as planar lighting for both the desk and surroundings that was typical of fluorescent lamps now only seldom meet the needs of today's visual tasks at desks.




Planning light

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