The good illumination of faces is important for communication purposes in offices. To achieve this, lighting must provide a bridge between high vertical illuminances in the room and good glare control for the user. Combining horizontally directed light components with wallwashing or ceiling washlighting is ideal. Downlights should be mounted in ceiling areas to the side of the desk. Wide light distribution such as oval wide flood along the longitudinal axis of the desk achieves the required cylindrical illuminances on the face. The actual modelling is the ratio between cylindrical and horizontal illuminance and should be in the range of 0.3 to 0.6.
The good illumination of faces is important for communication purposes in offices. To achieve this, lighting must provide a bridge between high vertical illuminances in the room and good glare control for the user. Combining horizontally directed light components with wallwashing or ceiling washlighting is ideal. Downlights should be mounted in ceiling areas to the side of the desk. Wide light distribution such as oval wide flood along the longitudinal axis of the desk achieves the required cylindrical illuminances on the face. The actual modelling is the ratio between cylindrical and horizontal illuminance and should be in the range of 0.3 to 0.6.