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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Energy-efficient office lighting

Design strategy for workstations

Steps for optimising energy efficiency

The lighting concept lays the foundation for energy-efficient lighting. Precise lighting technology and suitable control further the potential for optimisation. Conventional design approaches are orientated to the most difficult visual task and also use illuminances required for this in all other areas. This requires a large number of luminaires, energy consumption increases and therefore also operating costs. Two aspects are ignored here:
1. The zones in an office require differing illuminances for the work area, surrounding area and background area.
2. The actual office workstations only take up a limited part of the room.

Steps for optimising energy efficiency

The lighting concept lays the foundation for energy-efficient lighting. Precise lighting technology and suitable control further the potential for optimisation. Conventional design approaches are orientated to the most difficult visual task and also use illuminances required for this in all other areas. This requires a large number of luminaires, energy consumption increases and therefore also operating costs. Two aspects are ignored here:
1. The zones in an office require differing illuminances for the work area, surrounding area and background area.
2. The actual office workstations only take up a limited part of the room.




Planning light

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