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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Scotopic vision (night vision): How do we see at night?

Scotopic vision (night vision): Representation of the sky at night

Scotopic vision is also colloquially referred to as night vision. This type of vision is performed with the rods in the eye. As these are mainly located in the peripheral areas of the retina, visual acuity is low. In contrast to cone-based vision during the day, no colors are perceived. When seeing at night, we only recognize differences in brightness. However, this means we are very sensitive to movements in the peripheral field of vision. Twilight vision (mesopic vision) lies between night vision and day vision.

Good to know: Experts speak of scotopic vision when the eye adapts to luminances of below 0.01 cd/m2.

ERCO Light Knowledge is also available as a whitepaper:

Weitere Themen zu Skotopisches Sehen

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