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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Our contents are shown to you in English. Product data is displayed for a technical region using USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/50Hz-60Hz.

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Situations in the hotel: Lobby

Situations in the hotel: Lobby

In the lobby, the guest gets a first impression of the hotel. Along with perceiving the area and getting one's bearings, the atmosphere here plays a vital role. The space is divided into reception, lounge, bar area and traffic zones. Wallwashers produce a uniform light distribution on the walls. Directional luminaires emphasise such key functional zones as reception, lifts, bar, tables or even architectural elements such as columns.

Situations in the hotel: Lobby

Ambient luminescence, focal glow, play of brilliants

A differentiated lighting concept ensures an optimal light atmosphere in each zone: eyecatchers for a first impression of the area using grazing light on the columns and light projections on the wall, brilliance and modelling for the lounge section, and good workplace lighting for the reception.

Situations in the hotel: Lobby

Vertical lighting

Lighting the walls helps show the guest the dimension and structure of the area and facilitates orientation.

Situations in the hotel: Lobby

Ambient luminescence and focal glow

Complementing the wall lighting with accent lighting additionally produces "focal glow". This approach highlights such key functions as reception, lifts or tables. The grazing light on the columns adds to the structuring of the room.

Situations in the hotel: Lobby

Play of brilliants

Decorative lighting effects with projected patterns create an interesting atmosphere as a "play of brilliants". The "play of brilliants" is rounded off by coloured lighting of the bar using changing light colours.

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