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Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Structuring a room with light

How can light make public buildings more easily accessible?

Creating orientation with light

Public buildings should be equally accessible to all members of a society. Concise lighting concepts complying with perceptional needs make such buildings more easily accessible and user-friendly. Part of this is to define and structure large rooms via vertically and horizontally zoned lighting. Contrasts in brightness create hierarchies of importance in the room in this way that support quick, dependable orientation – for new visitors as well as for regular users or employees. The example of an entrance hall demonstrates how light emphasizes the representative dimensions and simultaneously communicates a sense of openness and clearness.

Creating orientation with light

Public buildings should be equally accessible to all members of a society. Concise lighting concepts complying with perceptional needs make such buildings more easily accessible and user-friendly. Part of this is to define and structure large rooms via vertically and horizontally zoned lighting. Contrasts in brightness create hierarchies of importance in the room in this way that support quick, dependable orientation – for new visitors as well as for regular users or employees. The example of an entrance hall demonstrates how light emphasizes the representative dimensions and simultaneously communicates a sense of openness and clearness.

ERCO light guide: Community

Planning tips for design and technology


Light for walls: room height 6-10m

Light impact and luminaire arrangements

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Light for reception desks in high rooms

Light impact and luminaire arrangements

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Lighting analysis: Community

Designing with differentiated light distributions

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The importance of lumen maintenance

The advantages of durable luminaires

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Find out more about lighting design, luminaire arrangements and light and luminaire technology with a single click.

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Planning light

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