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Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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How to downlight: 5-part newsletter series

Practical examples and planning tips for lighting concepts with downlights

Functional, bland and by the book? Let us convince you that general lighting can do so much more than an unambitious grid arrangement of luminaires. We will show you how good planning and the right use of downlights can support architecture and enhance livability.

This is how the newsletter series is structured

  • Change of perspective: A different approach to general lighting
  • Lighting at the workplace: Practical tips for modern working environments
  • Impressive foyers: Lighting concepts for reception areas
  • Planned for your purposes: Getting light into the auditorium
  • High rooms, high demands: Effective lighting for airports etc

Subscribe now to our exclusive 5-part newsletter series on perfect and economical lighting with downlights.

free of charge and without obligation

Your data will be handled confidentially. For further information see Data protection declaration.




Planning light

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