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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Nivaagaard Museum, Copenhagen

Discreet, miniaturised lighting solutions deliver a great impact: At the Nivaagaard Museum, art is staged with precision, as Eclipse 48V spotlights and contour spotlights illuminate paintings accurately. The system offers the necessary flexibility for changing exhibitions through adjustable lenses for different light distributions. Additionally, the spotlights can be easily controlled via Casambi Bluetooth. With a 3000K colour temperature, the luminaires produce warm light, ensuring a pleasant atmosphere while guaranteeing excellent colour rendering with a CRI of 97. The Minirail track provides the perfect infrastructure, requiring only two conductors and a profile width of just 22mm, making Minirail ideal for situations where minimal system dimensions are crucial, whether for aesthetic or technical reasons. Paired with compact luminaires, high-quality lighting is achieved even in the smallest of spaces.

Nivaagaard Museum, Copenhagen


Nivaagaard Museum, Copenhagen


Nivaagaard Museum, Copenhagen


Nivaagaard Museum, Copenhagen


Nivaagaard Museum, Copenhagen


Nivaagaard Museum, Copenhagen


Luminaires used

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