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Johyun Gallery, Busan

With a vibrant art and gallery scene, the port city of Busan is South Korea's second-largest city after the capital, Seoul. Johyun Gallery was founded there by Jo Hyun in 1990, and today it is one of South Korea's leading galleries, boasting a sea view in the trendy district of Dalmaji Hill.

Johyun Gallery, Busan

The ERCO lighting system with Parscan spotlights and wallwashers ensures perfect displays individually matched to the artworks and space: absolutely uniform wallwashing for Yoon Jongsuk's monumental mural (left), and accent light for Claude Viallat's painting on the rear wall.

Johyun Gallery, Busan

In the recently upgraded and expanded premises, the gallery puts on shows by both Korean and international artists.

Johyun Gallery, Busan

Johyun Gallery, Busan

Johyun Gallery, Busan

Johyun Gallery, Busan

Johyun Gallery, Busan

Johyun Gallery, Busan

Erfahren Sie mehr über das perfekte Licht für kommerzielle Galerien im ERCO Lichtbericht oder holen Sie sich Tipps zur Lichtgestaltung mit unseren praktischen Whitepapern.

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