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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Guiding into the shop with light

Shop windows create attention and curiosity. They communicate to passers-by an initial impression of the brand and the latest products on offer. Light attracts people. This is why lighting is an indispensable medium for guiding visual attention to the shop window and drawing customers into the interior. Accent light brings products to the fore and emphasises decorative elements. Wallwashing in the background also lends the brand an impressive appearance.

Guiding into the shop with light

Shop windows create attention and curiosity. They communicate to passers-by an initial impression of the brand and the latest products on offer. Light attracts people. This is why lighting is an indispensable medium for guiding visual attention to the shop window and drawing customers into the interior. Accent light brings products to the fore and emphasises decorative elements. Wallwashing in the background also lends the brand an impressive appearance.

ERCO light guide: Shops

Planning tips for design and technology


Light for the entrance

Light effect and luminaire arrangements

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Design flexibility via various mounting options

Flexibility with shop window lighting

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Interchangeable lenses

Flexibility for seasonal adaptations

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A comparison of lighting technology

Projection or reflection: where is the difference?

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Flexible light for multimedia presentation forms

Flexibility for seasonal adaptations

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Precisely illuminating products

Differentiated light distributions for shop lighting

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Find out more about lighting design, luminaire arrangements and light and luminaire technology with a single click.

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