Contrasts in brightness establish drama and place important elements in the foreground. Brightly lit objects achieve most importance in our visual perception. Decisive for the impact is not the absolute brightness level but the contrast ratio. Significant differentiation can be recognised with a brightness contrast of 1:10 between the surroundings and the accenting. Some stores therefore dispense completely with general lighting and work with very narrow distribution accents to create a highly dramatic ambience. Brilliance and a striking modelling with light and shadow are typical of this intensive accent lighting.
Contrasts in brightness establish drama and place important elements in the foreground. Brightly lit objects achieve most importance in our visual perception. Decisive for the impact is not the absolute brightness level but the contrast ratio. Significant differentiation can be recognised with a brightness contrast of 1:10 between the surroundings and the accenting. Some stores therefore dispense completely with general lighting and work with very narrow distribution accents to create a highly dramatic ambience. Brilliance and a striking modelling with light and shadow are typical of this intensive accent lighting.