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ERCO Case Study: An economical and sensitive outdoor lighting solution for Auckland

November 2022 Case Study

LDP New Zealand was presented with a multi-faceted challenge by Auckland Transport: design an attractive lighting solution for harbourfront Auckland Viaduct that costs less to operate, is easy to maintain, defines the area both close up and from afar, and meets the needs of all the different users of the public space.

A Place for People

Auckland, the largest city on New Zealand’s north island, enjoys an enviable position on the shores of Waitematā Harbour. Enthusiastically egalitarian, the Council and Transport bodies were determined to make the waterfront accessible to all, suitable for both functional and recreational purposes, attractive, safe and efficient.

Working with the team at Energylight, LDP opted for the ERCO Kona Spotlight in 72W and 96W. You can see the innovative application in the image here: Kona was mounted as an uplight on each pole, delivering soft, diffuse lighting via a clever reflector that shields spill light and reflects important luminance indirectly back onto the pathways. Glare is eliminated, leaving high visual comfort for passers-by.

Counting the cost

The Viaduct project made use of 138 Kona LED Spotlights, and delivered an overall energy saving of 60%. Auckland Transport report a corresponding reduction in operating cost, yet as you can see the space is consistently and attractively lit to encourage patronage and discourage crime and misbehaviour. Spill light is kept to a minimum, and both the direct and indirect cost of maintenance – in dollars and energy emissions – have shown improvement.

ERCO loves a challenge

ERCO is determined to demonstrate the important of the cost of light not the cost of luminaires. If you use the right product in the right way, your installation and operating cost per square metre will reduce. After all, the cheapest light will always be the one you don’t install. On your next project, use fewer luminaires by using the right ones.

Leading Design Professionals (LDP)

LDP are a proudly independent New Zealand electrical and illumination engineering consultancy. The LDP team boasts a wealth of diverse industry experience, and has the awards to prove their prowess. Unencumbered by ties to manufacturers, developers or construction companies, they promise to deliver each client the obejectively best project solution.

Find out more about the products used here:

Kona Spotlight

Lighting Designer: LDP

Client: Auckland Viaduct

Photography: Karl Bevin

Channel Partner: Energylight

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