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ERCO Case Study: Superb Home Gallery

October 2022 Project Case Study

When art is your passion, surrounding yourself with unique pieces is what makes your home, home. And just like a gallery, you can install a lighting system that is cost effective, flexible and unobtrusive. This sophisticated mid-century Double Bay apartment in Sydney shows how.

Different light for different works

Just like a commercial or public gallery, a home gallery comprises a range of different artworks – prints and originals, some with reflective glass, large and smaller pieces, even different forms that complement wall-hung works. In addition, many homes don’t have the luxury of large wall space, or room for viewing at a distance.

A home gallery lighting solution needs to be flexible to optimise the display, but also fit well into a smaller space, and allow for home life to continue unimpeded – you need light for function as well as light for display.

A solution to ‘Eclipse’ all others

Seen above, different lengths of track retreat quietly into the ceiling, with Eclipse size S and Eclipse size XS track luminaires carefully placed and aimed to bring each artwork to the fore. At night, the contrast is evident, but even when the rest of the room is lit, the correct contrast ratio ensures the works still get the recognition they deserve.

In certain rooms, only single luminaires are required – note the bedroom, where you see an individual size XS Eclipse installed on a singlet to allow the ceiling fan to operate cleanly, and the office where the same fittings have been mounted on a cupboard-top.

One final hidden challenge that this lighting design addressed was a shallow ceiling cavity – just 200mm did not allow for external drivers, but happily accommodated ERCO’s 48V track.

Is your collection shown at its best?

There is a reason why galleries consider lighting an integral part of their infrastructure. Art shines on demand when it is properly lit. Talk to ERCO about the ways in which a clever lighting solution will work in your home gallery.

Find out about the products used here:

Eclipse 48V | 48V Track | Singlet

Photography: Diana Trejos
Channel Partner: Jadecross Lighting

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